Current Projects

Leadership Development

YAFT allows young adults to share their stories and offers opportunities for leadership development in civic engagement. Many of our young adults live and work within rural communities that struggle with issues generated by the tobacco industry.


We are working with local rural communities to help clean-up tobacco product waste. One of our most recent cleanups occurred in the small town of Riverbank where we collected 1,365 cigarette butts!

YAFT also conducted a cleanup at Modesto Junior College in September 2022, and collected 986 cigarette butts along with 6 bags of other litter.

If you are interested in volunteering for a cleanup when YAFT enters your area or partnering with us fill out the form below.

Smoke/Tobacco-Free Campuses

YAFT is currently working with California Community Colleges to make their campuses smoke and tobacco-free. All CSUs and UCs are smoke/tobacco-free, and YAFT believes that every student has a right to clean air no matter where they attend.

If you are interested in partnering with us to make your campus smoke/tobacco-free, please fill out the form using the link below.

Spreading Awareness

YAFT works to spread awareness about the negative impacts of tobacco through educational outreach. We do this through presentations, public comment, and social media.

If you would like to partner with us or have one of our young adults present please fill out the form using the link below.

YAFT Youth Summits

YAFT is dedicated to educating and training youth about the dangers of tobacco and how to combat its effects on their community. YAFT holds youth summits that allow our members to share their stories and train youth to become leaders in their communities.

If you are interested in partnering with us to conduct a youth summit in your area, please fill out the form using the link below.